Zajezova was “discovered” after 1989 by enthusiasts of traditional culture who established ”The School of Folk Culture” here. Its aim was mainly to reintroduce the traditional crafts of our predecessors to the youth.
Our honeymoon trip to Istanbul - city of two continents. We followed the Orient Express (t)rails and arrived by train. Definitely one of the must-see places on the World :)
Náš medový týždeň v Istanbule, meste dvoch kontinentov. Ak správni milovníci vlakov sme sa do Istanbulu dostali po koľajniciach po ktorých kedysi svišťal slávny Orient Express. Určite jedno z miest ktoré treba vidieť! :)
In our rush to make it on time back home for Danka's and Hojso's wedding we could stop in Ukraine only in Kiev but we know for sure we want to come back to Ukraine again and for much longer!
Our Mongolian dream trip is over but we have millions of pictures to remember it forever. Mongolia is just non-describable - you just have to come and see it!
We have 3 more weeks in front of us. We are taking train to Moscow and then another train trough Kiev to Slovakia. With some stopovers (Lake Baikal) we have still many things to see so stay with us :)
End of our China trip - more than one week in Beijing (yes, we know it's too long in such a crazy place, but we simply got stuck in this nice but huuuuuuge city :-) ) - plus a day trip to less touristy parts of the Great Wall. Big thanks to Jose, Libuša and Franto for helping us to survive in that crazy city :-D
Naša čínska cesta bola zavŕšená (pre nás až) dlhodobým pobytom v Pekingu, odkiaľ sme si urobili jednodňový výletík, resp. túru k Veľkému Čínskemu múru.
Observing giant pandas, joining tourist crowds visiting terracotta warriors and climbing holly mountain - that's about all we did in those few days in Sichuan & Shaanxi provinces.
Pandičky, terakotoví bojovníci, posvätná hora a kopec činskych turistov - to bolo našich pár dní v Sičuáne a Šánxi.
We spent our first days in China in amazing Yunnan province. In those first days we realized that China is nice welcoming country full of smiling people willing to help. Of course English is not big here but with hands and written main sentences you can get around easily :)
Laos, once the Kingdom of Lan Xang or "Land of a Million Elephants" is one of the most spectacular countries we visited on our trip. We expected to see one of the poorest county in the region but thanks to the reforms (yes, done by communists!) and enormous increase in tourism (from 14,400 tourists visiting Laos in 1990, to 1.4 million in 2007) Laos is changing really fast. Electricity is reaching village by village, all the main roads are paved, the prices in high profile destinations are rising and the most common car is Toyota Hilux 4x4! Fortunately not the whole country seems to be not spoiled too much with all the tourists (like Thailand). It's still great to travel around and visit the cultural centres, colourful tribes or jump on one of the old noisy river boats :)
Thailand the land of smiles (ok Myanmar should gain this superlative) has been fun from beginning to end - from sea to metropolitan Bangkok up to hills. We've been there twice, but may come back third time...
Thajsko - krajina úsmevov (hoci tento prívlastok si právom zaslúži skôr Mjanmar...) bola úžasná od začiatku do konca a od mora cez metropolitný Bangkok až po hory. Boli sme tu dva krát a možno sa ešte raz zastavíme :)
The bestest 28 days of our journey (so far). Myanmar has the loveliest people on the world with amazing honest smile :).
During our trip we did our best to give as least $ as possible to not support the greedy fat generals who rules the country. In the end we realized that our way of traveling is not the cash cow for them but the 60+ European package holidayers who sleep in govt hotels and travel with govt tourist agency...
Four stops on our way home. Colonial Malacca and Penang, busy Kuala Lumpur and Christmas on peaceful Langkawi Island. Than just short speed bod ride to Sumatra but that's on another post ;)
Two short days in the smallest country in Southeast Asia. This highly cosmopolitan and diverse place is also 5th wealthiest country in the world and 10th most expensive city to live in :)
Dva krátke dni v najmenšej krajine Juhovýchodnej Ázie. Singapore je zaujimavé kozmopolitné a rozmanité miesto (žijú tu malajci a indovia no väčšinu tvoria čínania) a je zároveň piatym najbohatším a desiatym najdrahším mestom na svete.
Two weeks in Java from East to West. Spectacular craters in Mt Bromo area (The Lord of the Rings was supposed to be filmed here!!!), historical Jogja (Yogyakarta) full of tricky batik salesmens, relaxing Pangandaran and crazy busy Jakarta - all that in 93 pictures :)
Jáva od východu po západ. Veľkolepé krátery na Mt Bromo (tu sa mal natáčať Pán Prsteňov!), historická Yogyakarta plná prefíkaných predavačov batiku, pokojné pláže Pangandaranu a šialená Jakarta - všeto v íš fotografiách :)
One week on the touristy Bali :) From Kuta to Ubud and Lovia and from there to Java. Bali is great location for simple independent holidqays. You just rent motorbike and explore it by your self...
Týždeň na turistickom Bali. Z kuty do Ubudu a od tial do Loviny a potom na Jávu. Bali je skvelé miesto na jednoduchú nezávislú dovolenku - stačí si požičať motorku a sám preskúmať čo tento ostrov ponúka...
Well ok, we know. helicopter flight doesn't really fit with our "backpacker" profile... But the spontaneous decision to see Mt Cook and glaciers around was definitely a highlight of our 2 years stay in NZ :)
Let helikoptérov pravdepodobne nespadá do našeho cestovateľského profilu no určite to bol jeden z najlepších novozélandských zážitkov :)
Amazing spring weather in two and half weeks with only one rainy day :) Lots of tramping and bit of rock climbing and especially visiting places where we missed during last two year in NZ.
Skvelé jarné počasie kedy nám počas dva a pól týždňa pršalo ima jediný deň :) Veľa turistiky a trochu lozenia po skalách a hlavne túlanie sa po miestach na ktoré za posledné dva roky v NZ nevyšlo.
Finally back "home"! Unfortunately only for a month and that may be it - forewer. Who knows if we will be able to travel so far in the future. But it seems Aotearoa is rewarding us with amazing weather and we are having great time. So be jealous if you want or just enjoy our pictures from Rotorua, Tongariri National Park, Hawkes Bay, Te Urewera National Park, Catle Point, Pinacles, Cape Palliser...
Rock climbing at Mt Tinbeerwah and Kangaroo Point Cliffs, 2 sweet days in Brisbane and passing disappointed through Gold Coast. Whale watching at Port Macquarie and then back to Sydney. That's end of our Australian adventure but our trip continues. So keep coming back to our site :-)
Lozenie po Mt Tinbeerwah a útesoch na Kangaroo Point. Dva dni v príjemnom Brisbane a cesta cez ohavný Gold Coast. Pozorovanie Veľrýb v Port Macquire a potom už len nazad do Sydney a koniec našeho austrálskeho dobrodružstva no nie našej cesty :-)
They say "there is no other zoo like Australia Zoo" and they are right! Direct contact with animals where many of them were saved and can't be returned to they habitats. And of course lots of Crocs! :)
Amazing sand island on Australian east coast. Crystal clear (and bloody cold) water in the lakes, long beaches and hundreds of people on FWDs :-)
Nádherný pieskový ostrov na austrálskom východnom pobreží. Kryšltáľovo čistá (a studená) voda v jazerách, dlhočizné pláže a stovky ľudí na ich 4x4 tereňákoch :-)
We spent two months in absolutely amazing camper - with always cooling big fridge, DVD player, comfy bed and unique back awnings which we loved especially during hot nights up North. Our Spaceship "Boomer" made with us almost 15,000 km without any problem. If you are planing to travel in Australia, New Zealand or in Europe go and check and get one of those lovely small big campers!
In a few days we passed trough chilling lakes, waterfalls and tropical rainforests of Atherton Tableland in Far North Queensland, watched a funny looking Platypus (according to Aboriginal legend, the first platypus were born after a young female duck mated with a lonely and persuasive water-rat!), skipped sailing around Whitsundays Islands covered by dust storm but snorkeled on Beaver reef and around amazing reefs of Lady Musgrave Island...
Lovely National Park close to Darwin. Although it's smaller than Kakadu NP, it's full of scenic waterfalls and waterholes suitable for swimming (without crocs :)
Milý narodný park iba na skok od Darwinu plný vodopádov a jazierok ideálnych na kúpanie. Žiadne krokodíly :-)
Truly a bizarre place full of huge rounded stones. Maybe some ancient ogre played bowling here... BTW it reminded us a place in India called Hampi - here is a link to our India 2006 photogallery ...
Na kameni kámen - pri pohľade na okolie sme si spomenuli na pesničku od bratov Nedvědov. Miesto vyzerá akoby tu zopár dní obri hrali guličky s veľkými okrúhlymi balvanmi...
This magic place was thousand times better than we expected. Maybe also thanks to storm thundering and lightening and wonderful colours after the heavy rain. And bit of fear from all of it :-p
SK: Toto magické miesto bolo tisíc krát lepšie ako sme čakali. Možno aj vďaka búrke ktorá sa ponad nás prehnala a úžasným farbám po daždi. A tiež vďaka strachu zo státia na jedinom kopci v okolí :-p
We can imagine the moaning of our lovely friends if we will travel to Australia but skip the famous Urulu. Sure we were there and sure we are sharing some photos with you. Just click!
SK: Vieme si predstaviť frflanie našich priateľov ak by sme nepriniesli zopár záberov zo svetoznámeho Urulu :)
Not as famous as Urulu but still amazing hills just few kilometers from the big red rock. We did a short walk around it together with some flyes and tourists :)
SK: Menej známe ako Urulu ale stale skvelé miesto ibo zopár kilometrov od "veľkého červeného kameňa".
Well we expected more "Safari" style experience and at the end it was just normal ZOO. But at least we finally had a cance to see kangoroos alive, not just dead on the side of the road :)
Three days in Sydney and we did a lot - got our lovely Spaceship Van called Boomer, had couple of drinks with Palo, Janka and Dirk and of course had a bit of time left for sightseeing :)