Lovely National Park close to Darwin. Although it's smaller than Kakadu NP, it's full of scenic waterfalls and waterholes suitable for swimming (without crocs :)
Milý narodný park iba na skok od Darwinu plný vodopádov a jazierok ideálnych na kúpanie. Žiadne krokodíly :-)
Truly a bizarre place full of huge rounded stones. Maybe some ancient ogre played bowling here... BTW it reminded us a place in India called Hampi - here is a link to our India 2006 photogallery ...
Na kameni kámen - pri pohľade na okolie sme si spomenuli na pesničku od bratov Nedvědov. Miesto vyzerá akoby tu zopár dní obri hrali guličky s veľkými okrúhlymi balvanmi...
This magic place was thousand times better than we expected. Maybe also thanks to storm thundering and lightening and wonderful colours after the heavy rain. And bit of fear from all of it :-p
SK: Toto magické miesto bolo tisíc krát lepšie ako sme čakali. Možno aj vďaka búrke ktorá sa ponad nás prehnala a úžasným farbám po daždi. A tiež vďaka strachu zo státia na jedinom kopci v okolí :-p
We can imagine the moaning of our lovely friends if we will travel to Australia but skip the famous Urulu. Sure we were there and sure we are sharing some photos with you. Just click!
SK: Vieme si predstaviť frflanie našich priateľov ak by sme nepriniesli zopár záberov zo svetoznámeho Urulu :)
Not as famous as Urulu but still amazing hills just few kilometers from the big red rock. We did a short walk around it together with some flyes and tourists :)
SK: Menej známe ako Urulu ale stale skvelé miesto ibo zopár kilometrov od "veľkého červeného kameňa".
Well we expected more "Safari" style experience and at the end it was just normal ZOO. But at least we finally had a cance to see kangoroos alive, not just dead on the side of the road :)