19 December, 2009


Two short days in the smallest country in Southeast Asia. This highly cosmopolitan and diverse place is also 5th wealthiest country in the world and 10th most expensive city to live in :)

Dva krátke dni v najmenšej krajine Juhovýchodnej Ázie. Singapore je zaujimavé kozmopolitné a rozmanité miesto (žijú tu malajci a indovia no väčšinu tvoria čínania) a je zároveň piatym najbohatším a desiatym najdrahším mestom na svete.

18 December, 2009


Two weeks in Java from East to West. Spectacular craters in Mt Bromo area (The Lord of the Rings was supposed to be filmed here!!!), historical Jogja (Yogyakarta) full of tricky batik salesmens, relaxing Pangandaran and crazy busy Jakarta - all that in 93 pictures :)

Jáva od východu po západ. Veľkolepé krátery na Mt Bromo (tu sa mal natáčať Pán Prsteňov!), historická Yogyakarta plná prefíkaných predavačov batiku, pokojné pláže Pangandaranu a šialená Jakarta - všeto v íš fotografiách :)

03 December, 2009


One week on the touristy Bali :) From Kuta to Ubud and Lovia and from there to Java. Bali is great location for simple independent holidqays. You just rent motorbike and explore it by your self...

Týždeň na turistickom Bali. Z kuty do Ubudu a od tial do Loviny a potom na Jávu. Bali je skvelé miesto na jednoduchú nezávislú dovolenku - stačí si požičať motorku a sám preskúmať čo tento ostrov ponúka...

22 November, 2009

Mt Cook

Well ok, we know. helicopter flight doesn't really fit with our "backpacker" profile... But the spontaneous decision to see Mt Cook and glaciers around was definitely a highlight of our 2 years stay in NZ :)

Let helikoptérov pravdepodobne nespadá do našeho cestovateľského profilu no určite to bol jeden z najlepších novozélandských zážitkov :)

New Zealand - South Island

Amazing spring weather in two and half weeks with only one rainy day :) Lots of tramping and bit of rock climbing and especially visiting places where we missed during last two year in NZ.

Skvelé jarné počasie kedy nám počas dva a pól týždňa pršalo ima jediný deň :) Veľa turistiky a trochu lozenia po skalách a hlavne túlanie sa po miestach na ktoré za posledné dva roky v NZ nevyšlo.

20 November, 2009

Abel Tasman

Here are some pictures from kayaking, tramping and sailing in beautiful Abel Tasman National Park on North-West of the South Island.

Národný park Abel Tasman ležiaci na severozápade južného ostrova po vode a zemi :)

15 November, 2009

New Zealand - North Island

Finally back "home"! Unfortunately only for a month and that may be it - forewer. Who knows if we will be able to travel so far in the future. But it seems Aotearoa is rewarding us with amazing weather and we are having great time. So be jealous if you want or just enjoy our pictures from Rotorua, Tongariri National Park, Hawkes Bay, Te Urewera National Park, Catle Point, Pinacles, Cape Palliser...

18 October, 2009

From Brisbane to Sydney

Rock climbing at Mt Tinbeerwah and Kangaroo Point Cliffs, 2 sweet days in Brisbane and passing disappointed through Gold Coast. Whale watching at Port Macquarie and then back to Sydney. That's end of our Australian adventure but our trip continues. So keep coming back to our site :-)

Lozenie po Mt Tinbeerwah a útesoch na Kangaroo Point. Dva dni v príjemnom Brisbane a cesta cez ohavný Gold Coast. Pozorovanie Veľrýb v Port Macquire a potom už len nazad do Sydney a koniec našeho austrálskeho dobrodružstva no nie našej cesty :-)

Australia ZOO - Crikey!

They say "there is no other zoo like Australia Zoo" and they are right! Direct contact with animals where many of them were saved and can't be returned to they habitats. And of course lots of Crocs! :)

16 October, 2009

Fraser Island

Amazing sand island on Australian east coast. Crystal clear (and bloody cold) water in the lakes, long beaches and hundreds of people on FWDs :-)

Nádherný pieskový ostrov na austrálskom východnom pobreží. Kryšltáľovo čistá (a studená) voda v jazerách, dlhočizné pláže a stovky ľudí na ich 4x4 tereňákoch :-)

15 October, 2009

Travelling Oz in Spaceship!

We spent two months in absolutely amazing camper - with always cooling big fridge, DVD player, comfy bed and unique back awnings which we loved especially during hot nights up North. Our Spaceship "Boomer" made with us almost 15,000 km without any problem. If you are planing to travel in Australia, New Zealand or in Europe go and check spaceships.tv and get one of those lovely small big campers!

12 October, 2009

East Coast

In a few days we passed trough chilling lakes, waterfalls and tropical rainforests of Atherton Tableland in Far North Queensland, watched a funny looking Platypus (according to Aboriginal legend, the first platypus were born after a young female duck mated with a lonely and persuasive water-rat!), skipped sailing around Whitsundays Islands covered by dust storm but snorkeled on Beaver reef and around amazing reefs of Lady Musgrave Island...

02 October, 2009

Cairns & Daintree National Park

Pictures from lovely Cairns and Daintree National Park where we saw some huge Cassowaries and beautiful fan palms.

Fotky z milého mesta Cairns a Daintree National Park kde sme videli obrovské Cassowary a prekrásne vejárovitá palmy.

26 September, 2009

Kakadu National Park & Darwin

Amazing, hot, full of flies, crocodiles, spiders, bats, tourists and lovely rangers - that's Kakadu!

Úžasné, horúce, plné múch, krokodílov, pavúkov, netopierov, turistov a milých rangerov = to je Kakadu!

18 September, 2009

Litchfield National Park

Lovely National Park close to Darwin. Although it's smaller than Kakadu NP, it's full of scenic waterfalls and waterholes suitable for swimming (without crocs :)

Milý narodný park iba na skok od Darwinu plný vodopádov a jazierok ideálnych na kúpanie. Žiadne krokodíly :-)

17 September, 2009

Devils Marbles

Truly a bizarre place full of huge rounded stones. Maybe some ancient ogre played bowling here... BTW it reminded us a place in India called Hampi - here is a link to our India 2006 photogallery ...

Na kameni kámen - pri pohľade na okolie sme si spomenuli na pesničku od bratov Nedvědov. Miesto vyzerá akoby tu zopár dní obri hrali guličky s veľkými okrúhlymi balvanmi...

Stuart Highway

Some random pictures from our way up to Darwin.

SK: Všelijaké fotky z cesty do Darwinu.

13 September, 2009

MacDonnell Ranges

Another Amazing National Park on the way :)

SK: Další skvely národny park po cste na sever.

11 September, 2009

Kings Canyon

This magic place was thousand times better than we expected. Maybe also thanks to storm thundering and lightening and wonderful colours after the heavy rain. And bit of fear from all of it :-p

SK: Toto magické miesto bolo tisíc krát lepšie ako sme čakali. Možno aj vďaka búrke ktorá sa ponad nás prehnala a úžasným farbám po daždi. A tiež vďaka strachu zo státia na jedinom kopci v okolí :-p

10 September, 2009


We can imagine the moaning of our lovely friends if we will travel to Australia but skip the famous Urulu. Sure we were there and sure we are sharing some photos with you. Just click!

SK: Vieme si predstaviť frflanie našich priateľov ak by sme nepriniesli zopár záberov zo svetoznámeho Urulu :)

06 September, 2009

Aboriginal Dance Festival - Alice Springs

We managed to come to Alice Springs just on time for Aboriginal Art and Dance Festival. Here are some photos, enjoy! :)

05 September, 2009

Kata Tjuta

Not as famous as Urulu but still amazing hills just few kilometers from the big red rock. We did a short walk around it together with some flyes and tourists :)

SK: Menej známe ako Urulu ale stale skvelé miesto ibo zopár kilometrov od "veľkého červeného kameňa".

Oodnadatta Track

We could not resist! To have have a better look we rented a 4WD car for two days and did a part of the famous Oodnadatta Track :)


This is how we always imagined Australia and here it is. Red, hot, dusty and abandoned! We love it!!!

Dubbo ZOO

Well we expected more "Safari" style experience and at the end it was just normal ZOO. But at least we finally had a cance to see kangoroos alive, not just dead on the side of the road :)

23 August, 2009

Pacific Highway

Random pictures from driving up north from Sydney to Port Macquarie

Whale Watching

Pictures from whale watching @ Port Macquarie.

Fotky z pozorovania veľrýb v Port Macquarie.

20 August, 2009

Blue Moutains, Australia

Just a quick one day stop in Blue Mountains which were bit gray but stil awasome :-)

19 August, 2009


Three days in Sydney and we did a lot - got our lovely Spaceship Van called Boomer, had couple of drinks with Palo, Janka and Dirk and of course had a bit of time left for sightseeing :)

06 August, 2009

Fiji - Yasawa Islands

7 days on Yasawa Islands - Fijis main travelers attraction. We did bit of island hopping and were enjoying stunning white sandy beaches and crystal clear lagoons.
Our night with a local family in Namuamua Village up the Navua river and last few days busing around the Viti Levu Island.

21 July, 2009



We didn't have much time to say goodbye to you, but maybe it's because we will have one more chance. The truth is, it was really tough to escape from New Zealand ;)
Huuuuuuge THANKS for all your support, help, hugs, smiles and gifts. You won't be forgotten never-ever and that is also why you made it to this spam email from the roads :)

You wouldn't believe it, but after all the chaos before leaving New Zealand, we didn't miss our flight and made it to SAMOA at the end :) So you definitely won't see us - troublemakers - for next couple of months.
We are in Samoa almost 1 week, but all what we managed so far was to get on one of the colourful local buses (btw. Orange is still missing here), heading to most beautiful and charming place on south-east coast of Upolu Island, called Lalomanu; found our romantic beach fale (small basic hut made from wood and palm leaves) just 10m from the sea; done lots and lots of reading, swimming or snorkelling around coral reefs; walked to nearest village to admire their slow, laid-back lifestyle and to speak to locals, especially saying hello to kids; eaten Samoan specialities each evening (we've even broken our strict vegetarian diet and tried the yummy dead fish here); had fun on fiafia (traditional dance performance, fire-show together with singing) and last but not least we slept 10 hours a day. What a tropical paradise! :)
Last 2 days we were already bored with doing nothing, so we had to come to the city - Apia and find the internet café. Addiction after being online 24/7 last 2 years :)))
Today we are meeting our Czech friends Jana & Lukas from Dunedin, renting a car together and going all around the islands. Finally doing bit of travelling. Till now we were more lazy tourists than truly backpackers. For this simple reason, we will bring you more stories and pictures about Samoa in our next email.


Stanka & Polko

>>> photos here :)

02 July, 2009

Howick Historical Village

Skanzen v Howicku raz do mesiaca oziva vdaka mozstvu milych dobrovolnikov preoblecenych do dobovych kostymov. Postavicky ako vystrihnute z rozpravky. Je to uzasne divadlo, vdaka ktoremu sa prenesiete do konca 19 storocia.

We explored gardens and buildings in a Fencible settlement during the 1840 to 1880 period. There are over thirty original colonial buildings collected on site, including schools, a church, forge, liquor and general store. Cottages look as though family members have just stepped outside for a moment. Lovely and friendly volunteers in period costumes create the atmosphere of fairytale. Worth to visit (each 3rd Sunday in a month) while you are in Auckland :)

27 May, 2009

Our itinerary / Náš itinerár

Ok, so here it is so far. We have about a year to see as much as we can with as little spending as possible :)
Tak toto je náš plán. Do Novembra to máme jasné potom sa uvidí. Každopádne doma budeme v polovici 2010.
Samoa (14/7-28/7), Fiji (29/7-12/8), Australia (12/8-15/10), New Zealand (15/10-20/11)
Next/ďalej: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia...

29 April, 2009

Danka, Hojso & Marek @ NZ

Ako si Danka, Hojso a Marek na vandrovku do krajiny tiahleho bieleho oblaku vyšli.

Our ex flatmates from Slovakia visiting NZ

19 April, 2009

Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium

Ako stráviť upršaný víkend? No predsa pod vodou! :)

Ako stráviť upršaný víkend? No predsa pod vodou! :)

18 April, 2009

East Cost / Východné Pobrežie

Our Easter trip to East Cape with Zuska & Tom

Náš veľkonočný výletík po východnom pobreží až na East Cape a poloostrov Mahia. Tu su dva albumy na Facebooku, čoskoro ich prekopneme na Picasu aby aj Zuzka mohla vidieť :)
East Coast (1/2), East Coast (2/2)

08 April, 2009

Te Henga

Náš malý nedeľný výlet niekoľko kilometrov od Aucklandu

Nothing special just the Te Henga walk :)

07 April, 2009

Pasifika Festival

Kia ora, talofa lava, malo e lelei, ni sa bula vinaka, kia orana, fakaalofa lahi atu, kam na mauri, taloha ni, greetings.

Pasifika Festival is one of the largest free community events in the South Pacific.

Pasifika je jeden z najväčších komunitných festivalov v Južnom Pacifiku a koná sa každoročne v Aucklande.

12 February, 2009

Great Barrier Island

Great Barrier Island je skrátka fasa! Vybrali sme sa tam s čechúňmi (Tom a Zuzka) a čmáralmi (Lukáš a Jana) a bolo nám super až nás z toho nohz boleli :-) The Barrier, ako ho domáci volajú, je vzdialený od Aucklandu 3 hodiny plavby trajektom. Je to ostrov kde by sa nebyť turistov zastavil čas asi navždy.

05 January, 2009

Happy New Year 2009 from Northland

Kedze sme vianoce stravili na najjuznejsom mieste Noveho Zelandu, preco nepobudnut na Novy Rok v najsevernejsom kute krajiny :)
Nase novorocne putovanie po Northalnde sme zacali u Jany a Lukasa v Mangawhai Heads, pokracovali cez Matai Bay, surfovali na pieskovych dunach Ninety Mile Beach, nevynechali sme zahmleny majak na Cape Reinga a cestou nazad pozdravili majestatne stromy Kauri.