Mesto vlniteho plechu by sa inak moho volat Tirau. Najdete ho iba par kilometrov juzne od Hamiltonu a jeho atrakciou su sochy, reklamy, vyvesne stity vyrobene vylucne z vlniteho plechu. Pozrite sa sami.
Tirau - bizarre town of corrugated-iron. Just check this out :-)
29 December, 2008
26 December, 2008
25 December, 2008
Steward Island
Nase predvianocne dni na ostrove Steward Island. Je to viac menej najjuznejsi ostrov v NZ. Dostanete sa tam but malym trajektom za cca hodinku alebo lietadlom. 80% jeho uzemia zabera Rakiura National Park ktory je zatial poslednym zalozenym v NZ (2002). Velkou atrakciou ostrova su ciste plaze s krystalovo priezracnou vodou v ktorej plava mnozstvo ryb pritahujucich sportovych rybarov a hlavne lesy cez ktore sa da predierat niekolko dni a pozorovat uzasny faunu a floru. Na ostrove zije 20 tisic kiwikov ktory sa po nociach prechadzaju po plazi. My sme sa na ostrov vybrali povodne iba na dva dni no nakoniec sme si to tu predlzili este o jeden den a pozicali si na niekolko hodin kajak...
Our Xmas holidays on Steward Island. It's clear, clean waters, the lush rainforest, sweeping sands, flora and fauna and the unspoilt natural beauty made us stay there 3 days but we wish to come back again to spend more time on longer tramps or kayaking around the island :)
Our Xmas holidays on Steward Island. It's clear, clean waters, the lush rainforest, sweeping sands, flora and fauna and the unspoilt natural beauty made us stay there 3 days but we wish to come back again to spend more time on longer tramps or kayaking around the island :)
20 December, 2008
Moeraki Boulders
Tak sme ich konecne videli - najznamejsie gulle na Novom Zealande - Moeraki Boulders :)
Finally we saw them. The most famous balls in New Zealland - Moeraki Boulders :)
Finally we saw them. The most famous balls in New Zealland - Moeraki Boulders :)
15 November, 2008
Mangawhai Heads
Na navsteve Lukasa a Jany v Mangawhaiskych Hlavach :)
Visiting our Czech friends Lukas & Jana in Mangawhai Heads.
Visiting our Czech friends Lukas & Jana in Mangawhai Heads.
01 November, 2008
18 October, 2008
Skiing Mt Ruapehu (Tongariro National Park)
26 August, 2008
14 July, 2008
"Christmas" party (June 2008)
08 June, 2008
Northland (Queens Birthday)
29 May, 2008
Ti Point
30 April, 2008
Tongariro Crossing
Vikend s bratrancom Karolom a jeho kamosom Marianom. Rozhodli sme sa pre znamy trek "Tongariro Crossing" kde sme po vystverani sa na vrchol do horneho kratera vosl do uplne ineho sveta plneho hmly v ktorej sa stracaly smaragdove jazera aj turisti :) (Karolove fotky z cesty po NZ tu.)
Weekend with cousin Karol and his friend Marian - we decided to do the Tongariro Crossing walk ended up in magic country where Emerald Lakes and tourist got lost in a fog ;)
Weekend with cousin Karol and his friend Marian - we decided to do the Tongariro Crossing walk ended up in magic country where Emerald Lakes and tourist got lost in a fog ;)
16 April, 2008
15 April, 2008
Christchurch & Lake Tekapo
08 April, 2008
Rock climbing on the South
Mliford Sound
A bit of Northland
07 April, 2008
23 February, 2008
Queen Elizabeth II (21.2.2008)
Posledná cesta lode Queen Elizabeth II. Po 12 apríli bude prevezená so Spojených Arabských Emirátov a prerobená na päťhvieydičkový hotel. (grafika SME)
Auckland stop of RMS Queen Eliyabeth II on her last cruise before she will become a five star hotel in United Arab Emirates.
Auckland stop of RMS Queen Eliyabeth II on her last cruise before she will become a five star hotel in United Arab Emirates.
Soundsplash (16.02.2008)
03 February, 2008
Bay of Plenty (28.1.2008)
Zopár fotiek ktoré sme spravili po ceste z Rotorua do Aucklandu cez Bay of Plenty. Zastavili sme sa na pláži pod Mt. Manganui - surferskom raji a trochu sme si zablbli na boogie boarde ;-)
Some pixs done on the route from Rotorua to Auckland via Bay of Plenty. Wish to live in caravan under Mt. Manganui during the summer ;-)
Some pixs done on the route from Rotorua to Auckland via Bay of Plenty. Wish to live in caravan under Mt. Manganui during the summer ;-)
01 February, 2008
Rotorua (26.-27. 01.2008)
Our trip to "fart" city and amazing Hell's Gate...
Naša cesta do Rotorua, Pekelá brána, bublajúce blato a voda a všade záprdkový smrad ;-)
Our trip to "fart" city and amazing Hell's Gate...
Naša cesta do Rotorua, Pekelá brána, bublajúce blato a voda a všade záprdkový smrad ;-)
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